Refund Policy
We guarantee your satisfaction or your money back within 60 days of purchase. As previous stated, results will vary from athlete to athlete. Because of this we offer you a satisfaction guarantee. If you aren’t happy with the results and information we provide you, a refund can be granted. Simply make your request for refund within 60 days of purchase date.
HOWEVER NOTE that each of the 3 package options are different...
Professional = The 60 Yard Dash and Baseball Speed Course
MVP = The 60 Yard Dash and Baseball Speed Course PLUS The Mind Lesson Mental Skills Course
Hall of Fame = The 60 Yard Dash and Baseball Speed Course PLUS The Mind Lesson Mental Skills Course PLUS 2 Virtual Critique Services
After purchase you will have online access to whatever courses you signed-up for. If asking for money-back, you will lose access to all courses. In other words, if you purchase the MVP or Hall of Fame option and want your money-back because you only found one (of the two) courses helpful, you will lose access to the other course as well.
Also, note that the Hall of Fame package no longer qualifies for money-back AFTER a critique service has taken place.
For course or order support (or to request a refund) please contact us at support@60yarddash.com